The men are charged with the August 17, 2020, murder of 59-year-old Rosa Chinchilla, who was found dead inside her Lindo’s Alley home in Belize City.
The accused include Luis Alfredo Tiul Sr. and his son, Luis Alfredo Tiul Jr., as well as Elizabeth Tiul and Matilda Gamez, the mother and grandmother [...]
The officers, charged with the March 2023 shooting death of Orange Walk resident Dyandre Chee, were granted bail in the amount of $20,000 each, which they [...]
In a move aimed at ensuring fairness, Justice Pilgrim ordered all parties to file submissions ahead of the next hearing. The latest contention in the case [...]
This season is bedeviled by two major issues: a lengthy drought giving way to major flooding issues in the North; and the discovery of fusarium wilt [...]