May 29, 2023

Belize City man fined for hidden marijuana

Sean Edward Pitter, 23, a construction worker of Pitter Street, pleaded guilty to possession of controlled drugs before Magistrate Mannan Dennison and was fined $200 and [...]
May 29, 2023

Belize City woman fined for traffic collision

Now, Yuri Centelo has changed her plea to guilty and accepted a fine from the Magistrate’s Court.
May 29, 2023

Masapan (Breadfruit): Unleashing the nutrient-rich powerhouse for Belizeans

Breadfruit is a cornucopia of dietary fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making it a wholesome and nutritious addition to daily meals. Numerous health advocates and wellness publications [...]
May 28, 2023

Brother who allegedly pulled unlicensed gun on brother is charged and denied bail

Humes appeared before Senior Magistrate Tricia Pitts-Anderson and pleaded not guilty to the charges and was remanded without bail as is standard in cases like these.
May 28, 2023

Attempted shooting reported in Ladyville

According to police, Gabourel said he and one Kevin Bowden were on Manta Ray Boulevard in the village when two men approached, coming from the Vista [...]
May 28, 2023
Murder in Corozal

Breaking: Reported murder in Shipyard

Reports indicate that the so-far unidentified man was shot in Shipyard Village with a single gunshot to the back in an area known as “Camp 1” [...]
May 28, 2023

Belize to receive $20 million loan to support ‘Skills for the Future’ in secondary schools

These finances aid in ending learning gaps in crucial skills, to produce capable working adults in a changing job market and to encourage inclusive education. The [...]
May 28, 2023

Teenagers’ fist-fight leads to stabbing in Belize City

15-year-old Jayden Tucker and his 14-year-old brother were returning from making a purchase when in front of Spiez Pharmacy they were approached by a Hispanic male [...]
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