The trial continued on Thursday with a forensic analyst and scenes of crime technician testifying, while a third statement was agreed on and read into evidence [...]
Burns appeared unrepresented in court and was read two criminal charges before Senior Magistrate, Aretha Ford in Court #2 for theft and using threatening words.
The official presentation briefing made to him about Khan’s de-radicalization, rehabilitation, and redemption “struck a chord on a humanitarian level,” recalling his own experience 24 years [...]
Arthur Higgs, 40; Tamara Cooper, 38; and Michelle Higgs, 45, all of 7th Street King’s Park, Belize City, were read charges on Wednesday of possession of [...]
A 23-year-old woman told police investigators that she was visiting a friend at her residence in Lords’ Bank where they and others were socializing around 11:30 [...]