Jaime Maussan, a renowned Mexican journalist with a penchant for UFOs, considers these alien-like entities a landmark discovery in human history. However, a significant portion of [...]
Having previously been relocated from a federal prison to a halfway house in California in June, the 34-year-old Coronel is believed to have exited from this [...]
The aftermath was a heart-wrenching sight as media outlets displayed the white jet, belly-down on a dirt pathway, with its front demolished into the thick foliage.
The roots of Mexico's independence movement trace back to 1810, marking the initiation of the revolution. The day is observed as a national holiday in Mexico, [...]
The details of the announcement were made public in a presidential memorandum addressed to the Secretary of State, listing countries such as Afghanistan, The Bahamas, Bolivia, [...]
Matura, in the video's caption, voiced her resentment towards Guatemala for celebrating its independence in Belize, especially after an event she cited as disrespectful towards Belizeans [...]
As per the 11 a.m. advisory, the depression was pinpointed roughly 1,170 miles to the east of the Lesser Antilles. The tropical system currently holds maximum [...]