July 4, 2023

International News: U.S. officials confirm 4 migrants including infant drown in Rio Grande

Among the victims is an infant, officials said.
July 4, 2023
honduras and china free trade

China and Honduras initiate historic free trade agreement talks; Cementing stronger ties

The discussions were initiated by the Secretary of State in the Office of Economic Development of Honduras, Abg. Fredis Cerrato, and the Minister of Commerce of [...]
July 3, 2023

International News: United States concerned interference could undermine Guatemala election

In addition, the U.S. Secretary of State said that the U.S. government endorsed findings from observers including the Organization of American States over the vote's validity.
July 3, 2023

International News: Supporters march to celebrate 5-Year Anniversary of AMLO’s Election in Mexico

According to Bloomberg, thousands gathered at the Zocalo main square in Mexico City for the President’s speech.
July 3, 2023

You want to boost your skills and qualifications! Find out how, at Edinburgh Napier University’s information session in Belize City this month

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) is holding an information session in Belize City on Monday, July 24, to present to prospective students their portfolio [...]
July 3, 2023

CARICOM at 50 exhibit opens at the National Heritage Library

In celebration, the National Heritage Library has officially opened the CARICOM at 50 exhibit to commemorate this great achievement.
July 3, 2023

Special Envoy for Development and Families congratulate CARICOM on 50th Anniversary

The Caribbean Community now has 15 member states and 5 associate members, and many successes to celebrate.
July 3, 2023

International News: Court orders Presidential ballot review in Guatemala

The results were reportedly challenged by the front-runner's party and allies.
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