May 29, 2022

Food trucks serving delicious Central American cuisine wrap up tour in Taiwan   

The food tour reportedly lasted 9 weeks.  
May 29, 2022

Belize’s Ambassador to Taiwan delivers commencement speech at National Chung Hsing University   

Ambassador Pitts told graduates that perseverance is the key to overcoming challenges and achieving their goals.   
May 29, 2022

Ukraine’s President warns of famine and hunger “catastrophe”; Accuses Russia of blocking grain exports  

During an address at the World Economic Forum in Switzerland, Zelensky said that Russian forces were blocking Ukraine from exporting 22 million tons of grain, barley, [...]
May 28, 2022

17-year-old Nepalese teen confirmed as shortest in the world

Khapangi was born on November 14, 2004. He was confirmed to be an average height of 73.43 cm (2 ft 4.9 in).
May 28, 2022

Taiwan signs Letter of Intent with  Inter-American Development Bank  to assist Belize’s economy

Taiwan’s Vice Foreign Minister, Alexander Yui, IDB President Mauricio Claver-Carone and Belize's Financial Secretary Joseph Waight signed the agreement.
May 28, 2022

Woman kills gunman; prevents mass shooting in West Virginia, USA

Authorities told the media that the woman’s quick reaction saved many lives and prevented a mass shooting. 
May 27, 2022

BREAKING: INTERPOL Guatemala captures man driving a stolen Hilux pickup from Belize

One Hector Nathanael Molina Cruz, 28, was arrested on the Inter-American Highway near Esquipulas, Chiquimula state, in a grey Toyota Hilux with no license plate.
May 27, 2022

U.S. Embassy Belmopan Chargé d’Affaires says that the world has condemned Russia for invading Ukraine

The latest update on the situation shows Russian military forces capturing villages in eastern Donbas as they attempt to surround Severodonetsk, a city in the Luhansk [...]
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