December 26, 2021

Health Authorities in the US shorten COVID-isolation period for infected healthcare workers as surge in Omicron variant cases continues

According to the updated guidelines, the CDC recommends that healthcare workers who are asymptomatic return to work after seven days and a negative test, saying that [...]
December 26, 2021

Omicron variant wreaks havoc on air travel in the US – over 6,000 flights canceled

Citing data from a tracking website called, Aljazeera reports that 2,400 flights were cancelled on Friday, nearly 2,800 on Saturday and that cancellations for today [...]
December 24, 2021

CARICOM Secretary-General Dr. Carla. N. Barnett reviews 2021 amidst COVID-19 onslaught in End of Year Message

Those words set the tone of her message which reviews the action CARICOM has taken during 2021.
December 24, 2021

Health authorities in the United States approve Merck COVID-19 pill

On Thursday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the use of molnupiravir to treat mild-to-moderate COVID-19 in adults who are at high risk for [...]
December 22, 2021

Israel to become first country in the world to give fourth COVID-19 vaccine dose

Israel was the first country in the world that started giving a third jab as a booster and now in the face of the Omicron variant, [...]
December 20, 2021

Taiwan donates $460,000 for improvement of Medical Imaging services at main public hospitals

David Kuan-Chou Chien, Ambassador of the Republic of China (Taiwan), made the presentation to Health Minister Michel Chebat during the Cayo North Culture Day in San [...]
December 20, 2021

Mexican drug cartels using social media platforms to sell fake prescription drugs in the United States

The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) said last week that several overdose deaths have been linked to the activity of drug cartels over social media.
December 20, 2021

What is U.S. strategy to counter Chinese influence in the Americas?

An analyst for the blog The National Interest argues that the United States must develop a robust plan for countering increasing Chinese influence in the Americas, [...]
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