While many of those who get the virus recover successfully, albeit with some lasting complications, many of the most vulnerable, including those with pre-existing conditions and [...]
Charge d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy here, Keith Gilges, notes in a video statement that so many of us still remember September 11, 2001, clearly, though [...]
COVID-19 has halted tourism on these islands, like their Caribbean counterparts, and tax revenues have dried up while unemployment has soared. Their time is currently measured [...]
The nomination came from Christian Tybring-Gjedde, who, in his letter to the Nobel Peace Prize Committee, praised Trump for his efforts toward resolving protracted conflicts worldwide. [...]
Addressing her top security officials and senior Western diplomats in Taipei, Tsai called these “major threats to regional stability” and said her country “stood at the [...]
Dr. Robert Griffin, the Associate Dean of the Faculty of Science at UAH, and his team are studying how decreased tourism impacts urban and agricultural point [...]
The data shows that there have been over 20 million closed cases, with 884,601 ending in the patient's death. There are currently over 6.9 million active [...]