July 8, 2020

American Airlines resumes flights from Miami to the Caribbean while Florida shuts down over spike in COVID-19 cases

An article published this week in the Miami Herald notes that AA's resumption of flights has expanded from 100 daily flights to around 160 flights operating [...]
July 7, 2020

United States confirms withdrawal from World Health Organization

CNN said that the news first came from Senator. Robert Menendez, the head Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee who took to the social media [...]
July 7, 2020

BREAKING: Brazilian President Bolsonaro tests positive for Covid-19

"Everyone knew that it would reach a considerable part of the population sooner or later. It was positive for me," Bolsonaro said, referring to the Covid-19 [...]
July 6, 2020

Warning for Bubonic plague issued in China

The Bubonic plague is transmitted through the bites of infected ticks or from the fluids of infected animals and is one of three plague types. The [...]
July 5, 2020

Over 230 scientists claim COVID-19 is airborne

Currently, the WHO's classification of the virus says that its primary means of infection comes through droplets from a person either speaking, coughing, or sneezing in [...]
July 4, 2020

Looking at Japan’s mysteriously low COVID-19 death rate

But some want to know why. Is it that the Japanese have some sort of superior immunity? Did they do something different than other countries, or [...]
July 4, 2020

U.S. Independence Day: At Mount Rushmore, Trump says “We will not be silenced” by “angry mobs”

While the Continental Congress of 1776 voted for independence on July 2, the Fourth is the date on which the Declaration of Independence was officially adopted.
July 4, 2020

CARICOM Secretary-General says CARICOM Day 2020 like no other in history of celebration

July 4th is celebrated because in 1972, four CARICOM heads of Government affixed their signatures to the Treaty of Chaguaramas.
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