Solstices and seasonal changes are caused by the tilt of Earth's axis, which causes the hemispheres to take turns facing the sun while the planet makes [...]
However, the fictional Kingdom of Wakanda somehow slipped into that list as a free trade partner – at least until Wednesday, when it was removed from [...]
The 'Resolution Rejecting Violence in Bolivia and Calling for Full Respect of the Rights of the Indigenous Peoples in the Plurinational State of Bolivia' was approved [...]
A vote is expected tonight after hours of debate and inquiry over the last few weeks, and Trump’s opponents in the Democratic Party have the majority [...]
According to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), Independent Television Network (ITV) and Sky News joint poll, the Conservatives are slated to win an absolute majority of [...]
This morning, the White House and U.S. Capitol building were placed on lockdown after an ‘unresponsive aircraft’ violated restricted airspace over Washington.