June 1, 2019

Mexico and U.S. trade war of words over immigration after tariff threat

In a letter to Trump, Lopez Obrador described Trump's slogan "America First" as a fallacy and said universal justice was more important than borders. He said [...]
May 29, 2019

OAS divided, passes Nicaragua resolution

Ten countries abstained from voting, Belize is one of those 10, three countries voted against the resolution, and Trinidad and Tobago was unrepresented at the time [...]
May 26, 2019

Belize abstains from OAS Nicaragua vote

Belize, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica and St. Kitts-Nevis were among those countries, while Trinidad and Tobago was absent from the meeting altogether.
May 24, 2019

CARICOM congratulates Guyana on 53rd Independence Anniversary

“Guyana’s seminal contribution to the furtherance of the global battle  against climate change through the preservations of its forests has gained widespread acclaim and is just one [...]
May 23, 2019

Cuba stands with Venezuela

As a sign of her country's solidarity with Venezuela, Ambassador Perez attended an information session over the weekend that was hosted by the Belizean Organization for [...]
May 21, 2019

Belize among nations supporting Taiwan’s inclusion at the World Health Assembly

The WHA is scheduled to run from May 20-28,  and Taiwan had hoped to be invited to participate as an observer nation as it did from [...]
May 17, 2019

CARICOM and Colombia relations get a boost

The discussions were held against the background of the upcoming Ministerial Meeting between the Foreign Ministers of the Community and Colombia to be held in Cartagena [...]
May 15, 2019

Leading Guatemalan presidential candidates could face expulsion from race

By Aaron Humes: Guatemala’s presidential election on June 16 may be marred by court decisions.
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