October 31, 2018

Belize supports #Unblock Cuba at UN

By BBN Staff: The 73rd session of the United Nations (UN) takes place today and tomorrow at the United Nations headquarters in New York, USA.
October 29, 2018

US Government deploys 5000 troops to US-Mexico border

By BBN Staff: Today, the United States Government announced the deployment of 5000 troops to the United States-Mexico Border to halt the migrant caravan that is [...]
October 27, 2018

Mexico offers temporary work permits to members of migrant caravan

By BBN Staff:The Government of Mexico has offered temporary work permits to some members of the ‘migrant caravan’ that registered for asylum.
October 22, 2018

Caravan of immigrants from El Salvador to make its way to the US border on Oct 31st

By BBN Staff: Salvadorans announced today that they are organizing a migrant caravan that will leave El Salvador on October 31, 2018, en route to the [...]
October 22, 2018

US will begin to cut aid to Guatemala, Honduras and Salvador

By BBN Staff: Early this morning, United States President, Donald Trump dropped a bombshell announcement on Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.
October 22, 2018

US Secretary of State says illegal immigrants will not enter the US

By BBN Staff: Yesterday, the United States Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo issued a statement informing that the US is concerned about the migrant caravan and their [...]
October 20, 2018

Jimmy Morales to Trump: Conditions can’t be placed on US aid

By BBN Staff: The 'March of the Migrant', as it has been termed, is currently at the Guatemala-Mexico border seeking help from Mexico to enter their [...]
October 19, 2018

CCJ dismisses $4 Million claim against Belize government

By BBN Staff : Titan International Securities Inc., a Belize based company has lost its case at the Caribbean Court of Justice.
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