September 15, 2014

UDP endorses municipal slate in Punta Gorda town

Monday, September 15, 2014. JUAN CAAL Reporting: The United Democratic Party (UDP) has endorsed a slate of candidates to contest the next Town Council elections in [...]
September 15, 2014

OpEd: Residential lots for political gain – The Belmopan Case

[caption id="attachment_7127" align="aligncenter" width="416"] Patrick Jason Andrews is an aspiring political candidate for the People's United Party (PUP). The views expressed in this OpEd are not [...]
September 11, 2014

PUP exige disculpa para el Alcalde de Punta Gorda

Jueves, Septiembre 11, 2014. AARON HUMES Informando: El Lunes el Partido Unido del Pueblo  (PUP) convoco una conferencia de prensa para responder a acusaciones de que [...]
September 9, 2014

PUP demands Patrick Faber “come clean” on assault

Tuesday, September 9, 2014. AARON HUMES Reporting: Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Patrick Faber was accused of assault based on a complaint made over the [...]
September 9, 2014

PUP demand apology for P.G. Mayor

Tuesday, September 9, 2014. AARON HUMES Reporting: On Monday the People's United Party (PUP) called a press conference to respond to allegations that Mayor of Punta [...]
September 8, 2014

Ministry of Education worker withdraws complaint against Minister

Monday, September 8, 2014. AARON HUMES Reporting: This past weekend, Minister of Education Patrick Faber was alleged to have been involved in a very serious allegation [...]
September 4, 2014

Mayor agrees with BML on payment plan

Thursday, September 4, 2014. AARON HUMES Reporting: The ongoing saga of Belize Maintenance Limited (BML) and the Belize City Council is expected to draw to an [...]
September 3, 2014

Blue Creek villagers continue to call for the removal of Chairman

Wednesday, September 3, 2014. JUAN CAAL Reporting:  Residents of Blue Creek village, Toledo continue to advocate for the removal of the chairman of the village council [...]