March 26, 2015

Corozal family charged for drug trafficking

Thursday, March 26, 2015. BMG: Corozal police have arrested and charged three people, including a 14 year old minor, for the offence of drug trafficking.
March 11, 2015

Trial in Noh Mul destruction to commence today

Wednesday, March 11, 2015. BMG: The case of the destruction of the Noh Mul archaeological site in set to commence this morning in the Corozal Magistrate's [...]
March 5, 2015

Armed robber injures three people in Corozal

Thursday, March 5, 2015. BMG: Three persons were injured in an armed robbery last night in Corozal town.
February 26, 2015

Vector control information shared in Corozal villages

Thursday, February 26, 2015. BMG: Members of the vector Control Unit in Corozal Town, today visited with residents of San Victor and San Narciso villages in [...]
February 10, 2015

One woman dies in road traffic accident in Corozal

Tuesday, February 10, 2015. BMG: One person died in a road traffic accident tonight on the Phillip Goldson Highway in Corozal.
January 28, 2015

Concerns raised over alleged abduction attempt in the north

Tuesday, January 28, 2015. BMG: Police in Corozal are following up on reports of what has been reported locally as an attempted abduction of an underage [...]
January 26, 2015

Tower Hill factory gates open; deliveries begin

Monday, January 26, 2015. BMG: The BSI/ASR sugar factory at Tower Hill cranked up this morning for the much delayed 2015 crop season.
January 18, 2015

Fatal traffic mishap on the Phillip Goldson Highway in Corozal

Sunday, January 18, 2015. BMG: A traffic accident on the Phillip Goldson Highway late on Saturday night has claimed the life of one person.