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Paul Nabor is laid to rest in Punta Gorda town

Soldiers carry Paul Nabor's casket.

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Posted: Saturday, November 1, 2014. 5:45 pm CST.

Paul Nabor's funeral

Paul Nabor’s funeral

Saturday, November 1, 2014. PATRICK E. JONES Reporting: Legendary Parandero Paul Nabor, whose given name at birth was Alfonso Palacio, was laid to rest this afternoon in Punta Gorda town, following an official funeral.

Soldiers carry Paul Nabor's casket.

Soldiers carry Paul Nabor’s casket.

The St. Peter Claver R.C. Church in PG was filled to capacity for the Mass of Thanksgiving for the life of the 86 year old Nabor, who died on October 22 following a long illness.

Tributes to the fallen icon were given by Yasser Musa, the former President of NICH, Robert Mariano, the President of the National Garifuna Council and Dianne Haylock and President of NICH.

Soldiers pay tribute to Paul Nabor.

Soldiers pay tribute to Paul Nabor.

The Eulogy was given by Darius Avila, President of the Battle of the Drums Secretariat.

Following the funeral mass, the flag-draped casket of Nabor was carried in a slow-march by soldiers of the Belize Defence Force to a waiting hearse, which then transported the body to the Punta Gorda cemetery for interment.

Francis Fonseca lays a wreath at Paul Nabor's tomb

Francis Fonseca lays a wreath at Paul Nabor’s tomb

At the cemetery, wreaths were laid at Nabor’s tomb by Governor General, Sir Colville Young, Leader of the Opposition Francis Fonseca, Senator Lisel Alamilla and President of NICH Dianne Haylock.

Following the traditional church service at the grave side, a Garifuna spiritual rights ceremony was held, before the tomb was sealed.

Dispite overcast skies and a slight drizzle, Belizeans from across the nation turned out for today’s funeral.


Paul Nabor's casket is lowered into the tomb

Paul Nabor’s casket is lowered into the tomb



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