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Rodent infestation at Western Regional Hospital

Posted: Tuesday, April 28, 2015. 10:24 am CST.

Tuesday, April 28th, 2015. BMG: According to reports, the pictures were taken on Friday from the supplies room, wrodentshich houses food items prepared for patients, doctors and nurses. Authorities have been alerted of the problem and are taking every effort to rid of the problem, but it seems like a problem that will not go away anytime.

Ministry of health officials have been alerted of the problem and according to Interim Head person at the Epidemiology Unit, Marvin Manzanero “The irodents 3mmediate concern would be any gastro-intestinal diseases that rats could convey. The two more serious ones if you will, salmonelosis and leptospirosis, would be concerns in terms of what rats can give humans. There are some viral hemorrhagic fevers that rats can also be vectors of so those would be the concerns”, end quote.

The issue raises much concern from the public domain and it will be one that will taint the reputation of the hospital facility for years to come.

All photos in this news article are courtesy of Channel 5 Belize.


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