May 2, 2020

Forest fire reported again in El Pilar Archaeological Reserve

Last week a fire had begun to burn the forest in the reserve but it was eventually controlled. This morning, however, the forest began to burn [...]
April 29, 2020

Two planes to respond to forest fires near Benque Viejo del Carmen and in Vaca Forest Reserve

Flights commenced around 3:30 p.m. and will continue throughout the daylight hours if wind conditions are favourable.
April 28, 2020

Airplane from Spanish Lookout loaded with water to douse Belmopan-area fires tomorrow

The Protected Areas Conservation Trust (PACT) is responsible for engaging an air tanker from the Mennonite community about ten miles west to douse persistent and slow-moving [...]
April 28, 2020

BREAKING: Bush fire destroys house and many farmlands in Crique Jute, no fatalities

Earlier today the volunteers were fighting the fire which was affecting a number of cacao farms in the area. The fire was brought under control but [...]
April 23, 2020

Blackout caused by fire on contaminated key transmission line says BEL

The fault affected the 115kV transmission line that connects the national grid to the Mexican grid. At the time, the Mexican grid was supplying most of the energy [...]
August 25, 2019

Brazilian President deploys military to fight Amazon forest fires amidst mounting international pressure

Earlier today, the Brazilian military released a video of a warplane dropping water on an area in the forest, which currently has over 2,500 active fires. [...]
April 24, 2014

Ya’axché Conservation Trust promotes fire safety

Thursday, April 24, 2014. JUAN CAAL Reporting: The Ya'axche Conservation Trust this past weekend held their annual Ride Against Fire in Silver Creek village, Toledo.