In the proclamation issued as Statutory Instrument 89, a copy of which has been made public, Governor-General Tzalam said she was satisfied that a state of [...]
“I look forward to meeting with the Belizean Diaspora in Georgia,” Barrow said in anticipation of the meeting. “Thanks very much to Verlene Pitts and Erica [...]
“Nelvin is an alumni of the U.S. State Department’s Youth Ambassadors Program, a BioChem major, and an entrepreneur,” said the US Embassy in a statement.
In a Cabinet briefing released late this evening, Cabinet said that in "recognizing that the citrus industry is critical to Belize’s socioeconomic development, Cabinet approved the [...]
After more than 200 million infections and over 4 million deaths and counting, the COVID-19 pandemic has raged across the globe. This has created a profoundly devastating [...]
The Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital Authority assures the general public that the hospital is currently not in Emergency Mode,” said the KHMH in a statement.