FCD said that not doing so sets a serious precedent because the incursion is “an act of intimidation and provocation providing ‘fuel’ for local villagers to [...]
Dr. Osmond Martinez, CEO of the Ministry of Economic Development, presented the speed guns and breathalyzers to Dian Vasquez, Chief Transport Officer, on Monday, July 26, [...]
The organization's founder, media personality Orson Picart, said that the backpacks will be distributed as follows: August 13- Queen Square, August 15- Port Loyola, Jane Usher [...]
Cabinet has responded this week by approving steps to improve performance in combatting this issue in Belize, calling on all relevant ministries to implement the recommendations [...]
The agreement was signed on July 16th, 2021 by Prime Minister John Briceño, Narda Garcia, chair of the SIF Board; and Mr. Valentino Shal, director of [...]
According to Government of Belize Cabinet brief that was released late this evening, the decision to look at the district boundaries is "in support of a [...]