July 29, 2021

Friends for Conservation and Development says Belize should protest Guatemalan Armed Forces incursion into Belize to Guatemalan Government and the international community

FCD said that not doing so sets a serious precedent because the incursion is “an act of intimidation and provocation providing ‘fuel’ for local villagers to [...]
July 27, 2021

Ministry of Economic Development hands 16 speed-guns, 26 breathalyzers to Department of Transport

Dr. Osmond Martinez, CEO of the Ministry of Economic Development, presented the speed guns and breathalyzers to Dian Vasquez, Chief Transport Officer, on Monday, July 26, [...]
July 27, 2021

Corozal pet organization builds feeding stations for furry friends

July 23, 2021

Aspire for Greatness Foundation announces distribution dates for backpack drive

The organization's founder, media personality Orson Picart, said that the backpacks will be distributed as follows: August 13- Queen Square, August 15- Port Loyola, Jane Usher [...]
July 23, 2021

Renata Samuels chosen for the Youth in Focus Spotlight by US Embassy

Co-host of the Sun Up on 7 Morning Show, Renata is also the U-Report Officer for the Department of Youth Services, and aspires to be Prime [...]
July 21, 2021

Cabinet adds funding to address trafficking in persons

Cabinet has responded this week by approving steps to improve performance in combatting this issue in Belize, calling on all relevant ministries to implement the recommendations [...]
July 21, 2021

Belize to obtain grant of over 10 million dollars from the Caribbean Development Bank for 10th Basic Needs Trust Fund

The agreement was signed on July 16th, 2021 by Prime Minister John Briceño,  Narda Garcia, chair of the SIF Board; and Mr. Valentino Shal, director of [...]
July 21, 2021

Cabinet considers extending the boundaries of district towns

According to Government of Belize Cabinet brief that was released late this evening, the decision to look at the district boundaries is "in support of a [...]
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