May 21, 2020

Over 200 applicants so far for repatriation – How long will it take?

And quite a few are demanding to come home as soon as possible – and sooner than that if possible.
May 21, 2020

“Controlled return” of Belizeans abroad underway

And while many want to come home, the sooner the better, the Government is setting in place protocols to manage that flow.
May 21, 2020

National achievement – Beds designated for COVID-19 patients are empty

“This is important in the current scheme of things and particularly so when over the last 24 hours the world reports 106,000 new infections! This is [...]
May 21, 2020

Pesticides Control Board issues update on COVID-19 measures

The board reminds of the following measures that remain in place in order to maintain operational continuity during the national State of Emergency for prevention of [...]
May 20, 2020

Suriname finds positive COVID-19 case after 44 days, provides lesson for Belize?

According to a World Health Organization (WHO) Situation Report, Suriname recorded one new case on Tuesday, May 19. The find could have serious implications for Suriname, [...]
May 20, 2020

Belize remains COVID-19 free; random testing continue

The Ministry of Health continues its random testing among different groups of people and has to date, conducted 1,363 tests.
May 19, 2020

US company Moderna says COVID-19 vaccine trials show “promising results”

An article published in the New York Times said that, during the first phase of human trials, Moderna gave two doses of its vaccine to the [...]
May 18, 2020

ComPol warns social gatherings still not allowed

Williams said that gatherings are only allowed if there is a social with members of the same household- no invitee.