April 11, 2020

Briceño: Availability and distribution of food ‘politicized’

In a national statement issued late Friday in response to Prime Minister Dean Barrow, Briceño’s statement showed captured footage of his Orange Walk Central constituency rival [...]
April 11, 2020

Opposition Leader John Briceño says Government must act on recent COVID-19 concerns

John Briceño started with reviewing the concerns in the wake of the deaths of patients four and ten, offering condolences to their families and friends.
April 11, 2020

Vulnerable families face food crisis in light of COVID-19 pandemic

Many Belizeans took to social media to express their frustrations with not being able to acquire food for their families.
April 11, 2020

KHMHA Workers Union: Staff has lost trust and confidence in present administration

The KHMHA workers union further demanded the immediate and complete closure of the ICU unit and that in-patients be relocated elsewhere for intensive care management. Also, that [...]
April 11, 2020

Julius Espat asks GOB for food assistance for Cayo South residents; Says not getting through to phone numbers of Ministry of Human Development

As a result, numerous families around Belize have been seeking assistance from the government for food.
April 11, 2020

KHMHA workers union condemn the manner in which administration compromised safety of frontline workers

The KHMHA workers union says that it joins with the Belize Medical and Dental Association (BMDA) in condemning the manner in which the KHMHA Administration has [...]
April 11, 2020

KHMH: Tests of staff returned negative

 The Central Medical Laboratory has reported that all tested KHMH staff are negative at this point.
April 11, 2020

KHMH staff being screened following the death of Patient #10

The KHMH issued a statement yesterday saying that a mapping exercise is being conducted to locate staffers that came in direct contact with the patient and [...]