November 26, 2020

Churches can conduct services; 10 person limit remains

Included is the 10-person limit on all social gatherings including church services.
November 26, 2020

New measures for COVID-19 announced

The Minister of Health and Wellness, Michel Chebat after consultations and on the advice of the Belize Cabinet approved the following recommendations:
November 26, 2020

Ministry of Health and Wellness urges Belizeans to follow public health advice

The Ministry says that it is eager and committed to working with all sectors to reduce the increasing COVID-19 cases and deaths in the country.
November 26, 2020

Ministry of Health unveils plan to fight COVID-19

There remains a testing backlog of more than 2,000 PCR samples, he revealed, and no effort to decentralize testing despite offers from the Belize Agricultural Health [...]
November 26, 2020

COVID-19 national total approaching 6 thousand cases as northern districts remain epicenter

The epicenter of the pandemic continues to be in the Corozal and Orange Walk District. While nationally, the average infected COVID-19 patient can infect up to [...]
November 26, 2020
covid19 test

New testing sites announced; more supplies and staff

In Orange Walk, nearly all villages will have mobile clinic services and stationary sites will be established in Orange Walk Town.
November 26, 2020

Curfew returns starting on Saturday

Private gatherings remain limited to ten and no public gatherings will be allowed, he continued.
November 25, 2020

COVID-19 Update: 88 new cases identified

The breakdown of new cases is as follows: