June 6, 2022

Belize City Council continues installing new solar powered lights at Flag Monument

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: The Belize City Council is continuing with the installation of new solar powered lights at the Flag Monument.
June 5, 2022

Memorial held for Nora Parham as she receives posthumous pardon

Acting on the petition by the House of Representatives and Senate in unanimity in May, Parham’s death sentence executed today, 59 years ago, for the murder [...]
June 4, 2022

Albert Representative Tracy Taegar Panton says Minister Jose Mai crossed a dangerous line; carrot comment ‘demands a public apology’

“The Member from the House of Representatives from Orange Walk South, the Hon. Jose Abelardo Mai crossed a dangerous line yesterday,” Taegar Panton wrote.
June 4, 2022

United Democratic Party’s National Organization of Women says Prime Minister, Minister Mai were disrespectful to Representative Tracy Taegar Panton, demands apology

UDP Now, like the UDP itself, said Mai’s comment was disrespectful. Specifically Jose Mai said "go sit on the carrots and take a photo then I [...]
June 3, 2022

Prime Minister John Briceño says Orange Walk Central to hand over three more houses

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: “OW Central has delivered 3 homes to needy families and on the way to deliver 3 more,” said Prime Minister John Briceño [...]
June 3, 2022

Opposition Leader records disappointment at missing out on guest speaker slot at Julian Cho Technical

Barrow told reporters this afternoon that in his understanding, he topped the student poll for guest speakers ahead of even Governor-General Froyla Tzalam, whom students selected [...]
June 3, 2022

Nigerian ambassador accuses ex-ambassador to Jamaica of visa racketeering, human trafficking against USA, Jamaica, Belize, and other Caribbean islands

By Rubén Morales Iglesias: A Nigerian ambassador accused the ex-ambassador to Jamaica Janet Olisah of visa racketeering and human trafficking against USA, Jamaica, Belize, Dominican Republic, [...]
June 3, 2022

The countdown begins to the Belize International Music and Food Festival – millions to be pumped into San Pedro economy, Government says

He was responding to the suggestion of waste of three-quarters of a million dollars by Albert area representative Tracey Taegar-Panton on the adjournment.
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